The HouseGuests spin the "Wheel of First Impressions." One person spins the wheel and tells which two HouseGuests
best fit the descriptions it lands on (for example: "Smartest," "Sexiest," "Loudest"). The rest
of the HouseGuests vote on which of these two they'd prefer to be the Head of Household. The votes go on until one HouseGuest
remains. In the end, two HouseGuests remain. The other HouseGuests choose anonymously as to which of these two will be Head
of Household.
Winner: Mike
Faced with a week of peanut butter and jelly, the HouseGuests have to stuff themselves AND a hefty supply of groceries
into a 2002 Buick Rendezvous SUV and remain there for a full sixty seconds. If successful, they keep the food and eat well.
If they fail, then it's "PB and J" all week long.
Result: Mission Accomplished!
While still stuffed into the 2002 Buick Rendezvous, the HouseGuests are surprised to learn that whoever is the last to
exit the SUV gets to keep it. To make it even more difficult, they can't sleep, smoke or take bathroom breaks.
Winner: Kent
Week 1:
The Dirty Dozen. An inflatable pool in the backyard is filled with mud. 24 keys are mixed into the mess. 12 have a HouseGuest
name on it. Starting with Mike, the HouseGuests have to find the 12 keys with their names on them. When a name key is found,
that HouseGuest can help with the search. When all 12 keys are found, the HouseGuests have to get back to their starting point.
If they accomplish their mission in under 6 minutes, the backyard hot tub will be unlocked for them. If not, it remains locked
for another 2 weeks, minimum.
Result: Mission Accomplished!
"Bird's Eye View": With Mike the Head of Household isolated inside the house, the other HouseGuests have five
minutes to decide what gourmet food they want to eat, then spell it out using their bodies to form the letters. From an elevated
chair, Mike has to read what they've written in order for them to get the meal.
Result: Mission Accomplished!
Each of the HouseGuests stand blindfolded on mats in the backyard. Julie Chen asks questions about their housemates, instructing
the HouseGuests to take a step forward to give one answer, stay in place for another. (Sample: "Is the awning of the
house green? Take a step for yes, stay in place for no.") If a question is answered incorrectly, the HouseGuest is eliminated.
The last three contestants (Bunky, Krista and Nicole) are asked to write their answer to the question "How many combined
legal marriages of the original twelve HouseGuests are there?" Whoever comes closest wins Head of Household.
Winner: Krista
Week 2:
By the Numbers. In a single elimination format, the HouseGuests are asked a series of number based questions that they
silently answer by raising paddles, each branded with a number 0-9, with all of the questions pertaining to the HouseGuests
themselves. With the first question ("How many HouseGuests still in the house have birthdays in July?"), Bunky,
Kent and Will are eliminated. Monica misses out on the next question, then Nicole and Mike after her. Shannon and Hardy remain
in a "Sudden Death" round, the winner becoming the new HoH. After two questions they both answer incorrectly, Hardy
guesses the colective weight of the remaining HouseGuests closer than Shannon, making him the new Head of Household.
Winner: Hardy
A Pound of Flesh. The HouseGuests split along gender lines, men vs. women. Everyone writes their own estimated body weight
on a dry erase board. Brought outside, they are weighed on a scale. Their estimated and actual weights are added. Whichever
side's estimated weight comes closest to their actual weight gets food for the week.
Winner: The Men
Ride the Bull. The HouseGuests face off, male vs. female, in a mechanical bull riding competition. Three guys (Will, Hardy
and Bunky) and three girls (Autumn, Shannon and Nicole) have to ride the bull for thirty seconds to move into round two. Bunky
and Autumn both are thrown off before that mark, but the others hang on. In round two, with the speed of the bull increased,
at least one team member has to stay on the bull for thirty seconds to qualify for victory. Shannon rides first and lasts
the thirty seconds, putting pressure on Will and Hardy. Both fall off the bull in under ten seconds, handing a victory to
the women.
Winner: The Ladies
Prize: Texas Style Barbecue
Week 3:
Higher/Lower. The HouseGuests stand on the middle step of individual podiums, listening for questions from Julie Chen.
Each of the questions comes with a suggested answer and the HouseGuests have to decide if they think the real answer is higher
or lower than the one given. If they think it's higher, they step up on the podium; if they think it's lower, they take a
step down. (Sample question - The number of cots in the house is higher or lower than 3. The correct answer is 4.) The HouseGuests
are eliminated with one wrong answer until two remain, who compete in a sudden death question. Asked the value of the groceries
won by the HouseGuests in the last Food Challenge, Kent is closer than Mike, making him the next HoH.
Winner: Kent
Cross Dressing. The HouseGuests wear color-coordinated outfits, red or blue, then are split into two teams of four people
(Team One: Monica, Will, Krista and Mike. Team Two: Bunky, Shannon, Nicole and Kent.) Each team has two members wearing blue
and two members wearing red. The teammates stand on opposite sides of a clothesline, reds on one side, blues on the other.
The object is for the reds to pass their clothes across the line to the blue team (and vice versa), then get dressed in the
new clothes. The winning team will be the one that gets dressed first, wearing all the clothes passed to them by their teammates.
Their prize will be professionally cleaned clothes, as many as they can gather in five minutes, everything from linens to
Catch of the Day. The nine HouseGuests request three food items, which are written onto yellow balls. One hundred balls,
all with groceries written on them, including these 27, are thrown over the walls of the Big Brother compound. The HouseGuests
will be given the items they catch. If a ball touches the ground, that item is eliminated. If a HouseGuest picks a ball up
from the ground, that HouseGuest is disqualified and anything they caught goes with them. There are no supplemental groceries
for the week, meaning meals can be made only from these items.
Week 4:
Face the Facts. To answer questions about departed HouseGuests, the competitors diplay the side of a cube that the question
is referring to. 4 sides of the cube contain pictures of the evicted HouseGuests, the 5th has a picture of Kent, the reigning
Head of Household and the 6th side is blank. Every HouseGuest answers the first four questions correctly, but Will, Monica,
Bunky and Krista are all eliminated on number five, leaving Hardy and Nicole. Both get question six wrong before Hardy wins
the competition on number seven, taking his second Head of Household title.
Winner: Hardy
Food Pyramid. All types of food that the HouseGuests have enjoyed are broken down into 7 groups: vegetables, fruits, meat,
seafood, dairy, starches and sweets. Each HouseGuest is assigned a food group and must answer 2 out of 3 questions correctly
in order to have those items for the week. Nicole wins vegetables, Hardy wins meat, but Monica loses dairy products. Mike
gets the starches questions right, then Will wins the seafood before Krista misses the fruit questions. Bunky is the hero
of the day, winning the sweets, and the group comes together in a hug like they just won the championship.
Spinning Discs. Each HouseGuest selects one CD he or she would most like to listen to. Given 10 blank CDs, the HouseGuest
who tosses the most CDs into a bowl floating in the pool wins his or her chosen CD plus a personal stereo. Monica wins with
5 CDs in the bowl and says, "I'm not one for gloating, but there's a time for everything" as she grooves around
the House.
Winner: Monica: Michael Jackson - Off the Wall
Week 5
Pushing it to the Limit. The HouseGuests slide keys down a two-lane board towards a series of markers, each representing
a different room in the house. Whoever lands their key closest to the Head of Household marker will be the next HoH. The markers,
in descending order, are: HoH, Brown Bedroom, Blue Bedroom, Living Room, Dining Room, Bathroom. The HouseGuest results, in
Will - Bathroom
Monica - Off the end of the board
Krista - Dining Room
Nicole - Blue Bedroom
Bunky - Dining Room
Winner: Nicole
The Perfect Meal. Each HouseGuest tells Big Brother his or her favorite meal, with all the trimmings. Then, each HouseGuest
is assigned a day of the week that he or she will be responsible for. As people succeed in the contest, the group gets regular
food for that day, plus as a special dinner, that person's favorite meal. If someone fails, the group eats PB & J that
day. The Competition is for each HouseGuest to eat their favorite meal in under five minutes after it has been liquefied in
a blender, then keep the food down for three minutes.
Rescue 911. The premise of this Competition is that the HouseGuests are emergency services workers, trying to rescue victims
from a California earthquake or rolling blackout. Each HouseGuest dresses a dummy in his or her likeness. With everyone out
back, the dummies are hidden in various places in the House. The HouseGuests, split into teams of men vs. women, are blindfolded
and have to enter the House, find a dummy and bring it back out to the safety of the basketball court. The first team to find
three dummies and rescue them wins the luxury of their choice, for up to $100:
Winner:The Women
Week 6
All the News That Fits. The HouseGuests break into three teams of two people (Bunky with Will, Krista with Monica and
Nicole with Hardy) and are asked a series of questions about what may have happened in the outside world while they were in
the Big Brother House. Krista and Monica play scissor, rock, paper to determine their answers and get two out of three questions
wrong. Bunky and Will answer all three questions correctly, and Nicole and Hardy answer their second question wrong, giving
the victory to Will and Bunky. Their prize is three minutes in the Diary Room with current magazines, newspapers and a newsreel
playing on a television.
Winner: Bunky and Will
"A" is for Apple. In the backyard the HouseGuests find a giant bowl of alphabet cereal, a large spoon and a
7 foot tall milk carton. Each HouseGuest has 60 seconds to climb into the cereal bowl and find two plastic letters, then name
as many foods as they can that start with that letter. Their weekly food supply will be made up of foods that they were able
to name. Some of the food items suggested by the HouseGuests were eggs, protein powder, frogs' legs, granola, milk and sugar.
Week 7:
Round One. Each HouseGuest sits in a lifeguard chair, looking down on a large map of the United States. Nicole, the acting
HoH, asks questions about the evicted HouseGuests, the answer to which will be one of the 50 states. (Example - Shannon was
born in what state? Texas.) To answer, the HouseGuests must drive a remote controlled car over a flag planted in the center
of that state and yell the name of the state. The first HouseGuest to correctly answer the question, gets a point. The top
two finishers were Hardy and Bunky
Head of Household Competition:Round Two
Round Two. Bunky and Hardy have to drive their remote controlled cars around an obstacle course set up across the entire
backyard. Each obstacle is based on the home state of an evicted HouseGuest and they have to approach each obstacle in the
order that the HouseGuests were evicted. Bunky goes first and does his run in 2:20. Hardy completes his in 2:07.
Winner: Hardy
The HouseGuests are dispatched by Julie Chen to find jars of peanut butter hidden throughout the House. They are brought
into the Diary Room one by one, starting with Bunky. Julie offers him $2500 against the HouseGuests having to eat PB and J
for five days, with the understanding that Big Brother would not reveal anyone's decision to the group. He refuses, but takes
the offer when Julie ups it to $5000 and four days of PB and J. Nicole refuses all three offers, as do Monica and Will. Hardy
holds out for $7500 and three days of PB and J before accepting the offer.
Food Competition Part 2
Julie calls each HouseGuest to a telephone to inform them of their status in the Competition. Since Bunky and Hardy both
took the money, a tiebreaker system was utilized. A number was printed on the inside of the peanut butter jar lid and whomever
had the lower number won the money. In this case it was Bunky, meaning he gets $5000 and the group gets PB & J for four
days. Afterward, Hardy confesses to taking a different offer, but Bunky doesn't own up that he's the one who sold the group
Blockbuster. Each HouseGuest has to free a movie ticket frozen into the center of a block of ice. The first one to remove
the ticket and drop it into a ticket bin, wins a special screening of the blockbuster movie "American Pie 2" in
the Head of Household room. Bunky and Monica use buckets to melt the ice while the others hack away at it using tools provided
by Big Brother. Bunky pulls his ticket out first and quietly slips it into the bin, winning the competition. Later, he is
told that he can take one additional HouseGuest to the screening and chooses Monica. The HoH room is converted into a private
movie theater, complete with popcorn machine, candy counter and theater seats.
Winner: Bunky
Week 8
Monica, Nicole and Will, the eligible three HouseGuests, find a replica of the HoH room on the basketball court. Getting
on to the bed, the three put their keys inside the nomination box. From here, this is an endurance contest, with the HoH title
going to the HouseGuest who stays on the bed the longest. There are additional rules though, making things harder for the
competitors: one hand must be on the key at all times, the key must stay in the box, feet must stay off the ground, no sleeping
and they can be brought water but nothing else (including clothing for warmth or cigarettes). Julie offers a weekend at a
Santa Barbara spa for two to one of the competitors if they will forfeit their chance at HoH. None of them take the offer
and as the episode ends, no HoH has been established.
In the backyard are large, color-coded building blocks, with each color standing for a different food group. The HouseGuests
have to create a tower out of the blocks and get a food item from each one that they successfully use. After all the blocks
are used, they can remove blocks from the bottom and move them to the top, until the tower topples over. Bunky thinks Hardy
is "disrespectful" to him during the event and Monica confronts her fear of heights, climbing a ladder to place
blocks at the top of the tower with the help of Nicole and Hardy.
The Great Escape. Part One has the HouseGuests make their likenesses out of dolls provided by Big Brother. Nicole hates
arts and crafts, so she lets Will make her doll for her, which she hates even more. For Part Two, the HouseGuests are given
balloons, string and helium tanks to fasten to baskets containing their dolls. The first two HouseGuests to fly their basket
above the Big Brother fence line win a one-hour helicopter tour of Los Angeles. Will is the first winner, utilizing a surgical
suture technique he learned in medical school. Nicole and Bunky are neck and neck but Bunky pulls it out at the end, partially
because of experience he gained working at a party decoration company. The helicopter tour takes Bunky and Will around many
of the sights of Los Angeles: the Hollywood sign, Griffith Park Observatory, Dodger Stadium, Downtown Los Angeles, the Playboy
Mansion, and the Santa Monica Pier, among others.
Winner: Will and Bunky
Round One of a three-part HoH Competition. Big Brother asks the seven evicted HouseGuests for one positive and one negative
word to describe the three remaining competitors. Julie Chen reads these descriptions to the final three, without telling
them who is being described by each term. Their challenge is to figure out which one of them is being described by the last
word from the evictees, with one point gained for every correct answer.
Autumn: BRAVE - Nicole
Kent: ENERGETIC - Will
Krista: STRONG - Monica
Shannon: AGGRESSIVE - Nicole
Sheryl: EXPLOSIVE - Monica
Bunky: ARROGANT - Will
Mike: LOYAL - Nicole
After Round One, Will has 5 points, Nicole 4 points and Monica 3 points.
Round One Winner: Will
Shop 'til You Drop. Each HouseGuest is given four minutes to gather food from the stocked shelves of the food triangle,
then navigate a backyard obstacle course. Whatever food they are still carrying at the end and can drop into a shopping cart,
they get to keep. They can't go back to pick up any food items that they drop along the way. Will goes first, stuffing his
pants with food, which almost immediately starts to fall out as he runs the course. With one leg more loaded than the other,
he almost falls off the balance beam into the pool near the end of the course. Hardy uses a Styrofoam cooler, loads it up
with Nicole's advice and follows Will's guidance through the course. Monica and Nicole both use the cooler to carry more items
as well, giving them a healthy supply of food for the week ahead. Monica says, "No matter how we feel about each other,
we come together as a team."
Fire and Ice. Big Brother HouseGuests vs. the Survivors. In the snowed-over backyard, lettered blocks are scattered randomly,
with enough letters to spell BIG BROTHER and SURVIVOR. Bound together at the wrists, the teams move around the backyard getting
the letters they need to make a tower spelling out their show name. The HouseGuests finish their tower first, despite Jeff's
cheating, and move to the next part of the Competition: untying themselves and diving, one at a time, into the pool to retrieve
keys which they hang on torches at the end of the pool. The first team to hang all 4 keys wins $15,000. The HouseGuests have
a comfortable lead until Monica runs into trouble finding a key in the pool, which has thousands of ice cubes floating in
it. The Survivors overtake the HouseGuests and win the Competition. Winners: The Survivors."
LUXURY COMPETITION 2Crack the Code. Paired up with a Survivor, the HouseGuests are given a scrambled message on the plasma
screen in the living room. The first team to unscramble the code, which describes a location in the House, and retrieve a
computer mouse from that location wins a chance to surf the Internet to look at fan Web sites that have sprung up in their
honor. Using hints provided by Big Brother, Hardy and Sue solve the puzzle, which reads "AIR HEATING MACHINE." They
race around, trying to find what that is with Nicole and Alicia close behind. Hardy finds the computer mouse inside the outdoor
dryer just ahead of Nicole and goes to the HoH room where he checks himself out on the Internet.
Winners: Hardy and Sue
Round Three
The last part of the HoH Competition consists of 7 questions about the HouseGuests experiences during their time in the
Big Brother House. One point is awarded for each correct answer, with the point totals from Rounds 1 and 2 not carried over
into this round. Will answers 6 out of 7 questions correctly, but Nicole answers all 7 right, making her the last HoH. With
her power she evicts Monica, leaving her and Will as the finalists.
1) Which HouseGuest got stuck with the sleeping bag on the floor on the first night in the Big Brother House? (Kent)
2) Which Big Brother HouseGuest was the first to jump into the ice cold pool in the Competition against the Survivors?
Round Three
3) Which HouseGuest was first to step out of the car in the very first Food Competition? (Mike)
4) In one America's Choice Question, what item received more votes than both the massage chair and the pull up bar? (Toaster)
5) In the Big Brother food pyramid, Krista was asked, "If you were eating a bartlett, a bosc or an Anjou, what fruit
would you be eating?" What was Krista's incorrect answer? (Mushroom)
6) In the Competition that involved the giant key slide, which HouseGuest overshot the HoH zone and slid their key off
the end of the lane? (Monica)
7) In the Dirty Dozen Competition, who was the first HouseGuest wearing a bikini to jump into the pool of mud? (Mike)
Winner: Nicole