I finally found something in the tabloids worth writing about. Well two things. The first one is the Mary-Kate Issue and the
second is the Britney Spears engagement. I am going to post the articles and then post my opinion about them.
My name is Mary-Kate and I'm addicted to cocaine." Since entering the Cirque Lodge rehab center on June 11th, Mary-Kate
Olsen has made this confession every day at AA-style meetings, a friend tells a source. While she may have an eating disorder
as has been widely reported, STAR has learned taht the REAL reason she's moved into the secluded $30,000-a-month drug and
alcohol treatment center in Orem,Utah is a more serious problem: Cocaine Addiction
On June 23rd Michael Pagnotta, publicist for the Olsen twins, catergorically denied in USA Today that drugs were involved
in her rehab. But a source who spoke with Mary-Kate at Cirque Lodge tells STAR, "She made it obvious that the eating
disorder wasn't the read story. She actually laughed when she said 'Everyone thinks I'm in here because of anorexia-and I
don't care if they think that.' But then she said 'I just don't want people to know that cocaine's the real problem.' She
wasn't laughing then."
Since entering rehab, sources say Mary-Kate or MK as she is known to her friends, has made a series of shocking confessions-possibly
spurred by the mood swings that experts say come with withdrawl. Amon gthe revelations: She's furious with her sister,Ashley
says a source. "When I asked MK how her sister felt about her being in rehab, she said 'I really want to get away from
-She's still hurting over parents 1996 divorce.
-She wants to dump her boyfriend David Katzenberg. According to a source, "she told me, 'I want to start my life
over-and I want to finish with my boyfriend David. He's not helping me." But aside from the emotional trama of withdrawl,
MK has another reason to be feeling upset: An insider at the facility says patients are not allowed to recieve visitors or
speak on the telephone for the first 72 hours after admission-which means that on June 13th when men around the world were
celebrating the Olsen Twins' 18th birthday MK was alone in rehab with no contact with family or friends. Meanwhile, Ashley
now probably considered the untroubled twin-went on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, where they were supposed to have gone
Though her problem have only recently become public, they began well over a year ago, according to sources. "Everyone
close to the Olsen twins has known for a long time that MK suffers from anorexia." says a close friend. "People
think she's skinny now, but she looks a hundred times better than she did in 11th grade. She looked like a walking skeleton"
In January 2003, the friend says, MK stopped showing up at highschool for a few weeks. Where she disappeared to was never
revealed,but when she came back she had gained at least ten pounds. After a few days, she admitted to me, 'I had a problem
but I'm much better now." But she soon lost weight again-and by last summer, according to the friend, MK was using cocaine.
"She would take it all the time." the source says "and didnt even try to hide it from her friends." Only
a few days before MK entered rehab, the friend claims to have witnessed her using cocaine. "I asked her about it and
she replied 'The reason I'm doing coke is to help me stay thin'. According to another friend of MK, the actress was having
dinner with a group of people including her boyfriend and another girl she had just met. She asked the girl for her cell-phone
number so she could text-message her at the table and "the girl recieved a message saying 'Got any coke?" Obviously
MK was trying to hide it from her boyfriend," says the pal. The rush to rehab began on June 8th, the day after the twins
graduated highschool. Ordinarily,notes the friend of the twins, Ashley looks out for her sister-but the friend says Ashley
started drinking in early May, when she split up with her boyfriend Matt Kaplan. "Now Ashley's too busy partying to watch
over MK," says the friend. "They were both partying the night of graduation and the next day, their father found
cocaine in MK's bedroom. Her parents were desperate to get her help-so after consulting a drug counselor and staging an intervention
on June 9, the friend says they raced to place her in rehab before she turned 18, when she could have legally resisted, the
insider says. Later that same day, she was flown to Illuminata, an all-female rehab facility near Cumming, Ga. for a 48 hour
stay. When she was brought in, "She looked like hell,"says the insider."She was very skinny, pale and drawn
and her eyes seemed sunken into her face." At Illuminata-which according to its website , is for women and girls with
"a history of addiction to alcohol and/or drugs"-MK was placed under the supervision of a drug counselor, the insider
notes. "Mary-Kate spent her time recieving counseling," says the source. "The First step for patients like
mary-Kate is a series of meeting in which they have to admit that they have a problem-and that they want it to end."
After two days the insider says MK was deemed ready to move on to a longer-term facility. The counselor accompanied MK to
Utah, where she checked her into Cirque Lodge on June 11th. There, an insider tells a source, she shares a room with another
patient; attends daily counseling sessions and lectures; wears keans, sunglasses and floppy hats; and has been eating normally.
And sources say she's verbally lashed out at her family-which according to experts , is perfectly healthy. "Its normal
to express extreme emotions for the first week after coming off cocaine," says Sally Satel, a psychiatrist as Oasis Drug
Treatment Clinic in Washington, D.C. who does NOT treat MK. Patients at Cirque Lodge(part of which is housed in the studio
where a source says the DONNY AND MARIE SHOW was taped and where Nicole Richie and David Hasselhoff were also treated for
substance abuse)are encouraged to let out their emotions at group counselling sessions. "MK has to talk about her problems
in front of everybody." an insider tells a source. "One time, she told how cocaine was ruining her life, how she
hated it and hated herself for doing it, how she hated hurting everyone around her. She cried so hard she could hardly breathe.
" Though MK's problems aren't likely to go away once she's out of rehab-in fact experts say that it could be months or
years before she finally coquers anorexia-sources say she's on the path to recovery. "She desperatley wants to get clean
and sober and make a fresh start." says a source. "She told me, 'I never want to see Cocaine again."