My name is Brittany Marie McDonald. I am 16..well almost 16 so lets just say 16. I live in Ontario. Not gonna be more specific
about that. so LIVE WITH IT! ummm I come from a very big extended family that is. My mom has like 15 siblings and
my dad like 5ish or something..haha..I haven't met all my family I was born in Gander, Newfoundland at 8:30am.
Yes I know NEWFIE!!!i am proud of it so don't go sending me email insulting newfies or say any newfie jokes and shit like
that cuz it wont bother me!!!!!!I lived in Gander until I was three then we moved to Morrisville ..Population of less than
100..haha..we lived there for seven years and then in 1998 we moved here to where I am now..and now i've lived here for almost
6 years..i thinks.....yea now that i've bored you to death...on to new on the links on the navigation
table on the right to see new stuffs!