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Food Competition
WED July 10th: For their first Food Competition, the HouseGuests have to load up shopping bags with as much food as they can carry. There are three trees in the backyard, each with two large birds nests. The HouseGuests must partner up, male and female, in the nests and stay there for 90 seconds with their food, or it's peanut butter and jelly all week long. The group is successful. This Competition gives way to the Nest Egg Competition, in which the HouseGuests who stayed in their nest longest won $3,000 a week as long as they're both in the House. Jason and Lori won this Competition after Roddy and Tonya were disqualified when Roddy stood up.
WED July 10th: Roddy, chosen at random, chooses two cards asking, "Who is most likely to insist on being the center of attention?" and "Who is most likely to hit your car and not leave a note?" He answers Josh and Amy, respectively. Josh then spins a wheel with all the HouseGuests' names on it, landing on Danielle, who is then asked to choose, between Josh and Amy, whom she DOES NOT want to be HoH. She chooses Amy, eliminating her. Josh then answers two questions, the wheel is spun, and someone is eliminated, until only Lisa and Lori are still active. The 10 eliminated HouseGuests vote Lisa in as the first HoH of BIG BROTHER 3, by an 8 to 2 margin.
THU July 11: Each HouseGuest is given a color-coordinated swimsuit (shorts and T-shirts for the guys, bikinis for the girls) and broken down into three groups of four members each. Each of these three groups have to jump into a pool of slime and exchange clothes with a member of the opposite sex, matching the colors of their new tops and bottoms. If all 12 HouseGuests are successful and cross the finish line in under six minutes, they will have access to the hot tub. If they fail, there might not be another chance later in the game. The group is successful, though most of the guys experienced the difficulty of extra slime getting caught in their bikini bottoms.
SAT July 13: The male and female HouseGuests lined up on opposite sides of a wall. One side tossed eggs with food items written on them to the other side. Whatever items were safely caught and placed in a collecting bin gave the HouseGuests those items of food for the week. The guys did better as catchers than the girls, with Eric leading the way, catching multiple eggs at a time before depositing them. Ultimately, they were successful, receiving a wide variety of food items.
SAT July 13: The HouseGuests fired balls from a hydraulic cannon at a series of mannequins with their faces on them, calling their shot beforehand. When three balls where collected in a basket below a mannequin, that HouseGuest was eliminated from the Competition. The final two active HouseGuests were Gerry and Marcellas, with Lori, Marcellas's fellow nominee for eviction, firing the cannon. After a few missed shots she hit Marcellas, eliminating him and giving the first Veto power to Gerry.
WED July 17th:The two nominees, Marcellas and Lori, are named Captains and choose teams: Marcellas picks Gerry, Eric, Tonya, Lisa and Amy; Lori selects Jason, Roddy, Josh, Chiara and Danielle. Their goal is enter the House, one at a time, and identify one of 6 items that have been removed from the House. The first team to identify all 6 missing items wins a Hawaiian luau. Jason runs into some difficulty early on, allowing Marcellas's team to get a big lead, but Tonya can't locate the sixth item, letting Lori's team catch up. Finally Eric, taking Tonya's place, notices the missing "Occupied" sign for the bathroom door, giving Marcellas's team the victory.
THU July 18th: The HouseGuests have to answer a series of questions based on items and events that occurred in different rooms of the House, using props to signify their answers. (A ladle represents the kitchen/dining room, a plunger represents the bathroom, etc.) Everybody gets the first two questions right, but Josh, Roddy and Danielle are knocked out on question 3. Eric and Jason follow on questions 4 and 6, respectively. Gerry, Tonya and Chiara are bumped off by question 7, leaving Marcellas and Amy. They both get number 8 correct, then Amy misses number 9, giving Marcellas the HoH victory.
SAT July 20: Danielle and Roddy captain two teams (Danielle, Tonya, Eric, Gerry and Chiara on one team; Roddy, Josh, Jason, Amy and Lisa on the other) that have 15 minutes to eat away at a house made of brownies, with their hands tied behind their backs. They also have milk and water available via straws. Before the Competition begins, all the HouseGuests are weighed. The winning team will be the ones that collectively gain the most weight during the Competition. The losers have to eat peanut butter and jelly all week. Before the Competition, Roddy suggests drinking the milk and water provided to gain more weight. Roddy's team gains 18.4 pounds and Danielle's gains 13.8. Josh is disqualified for using his hands to stuff brownies in his pants, but Roddy's team is still victorious. Jason gains the most weight during the event, putting on 5.2 pounds in 15 minutes.
VETO COMPETITION: An Offer You Can't Refuse
WED July 24: Each HouseGuest sits in front of a box at the dining room table. Inside one of the sealed boxes is the Veto medallion. The HouseGuests offer each other items or services that can be fulfilled in the House in exchange for each other's box. Danielle offers Jason private exercise classes in exchange for his box, which he accepts. Amy refuses offers of cheese and beer for her box from Gerry and Danielle, respectively. Marcellas offers his box to Josh if Josh will be nice to Gerry, but Josh refuses. After two rounds of the game, Danielle accumulates the most boxes with 6. The Veto medallion is inside one of her boxes, giving her the Veto power for the week.
THU July 25: The blindfolded HouseGuests answer a series of true and false questions by raising a paddle for "true" and leaving the paddle down for "false." Every correct answer allows the HouseGuests to take one step forward towards a finish line, with the first one to get there winning the HoH title. Eric and Josh answer the first two questions wrong and Josh gets number three wrong as well, putting them both out of contention. Everybody gets the next four questions right, leading to a seven-way tie between Amy, Chiara, Lisa, Gerry, Danielle, Roddy and Jason. The tiebreaker question asks the HouseGuests the cumulative weight of everybody BEFORE they ate any of the brownie house in the last Food Competition without going over the total. Roddy's guess is closest, giving him the HoH power.
SAT July 27: The HouseGuests play a life-sized version of the game Batik, placing as many irregularly shaped pieces into a container as they can. In the Food Competition, each piece represents a type of food they can win for the week. After covering many of the basic food groups, the HouseGuests use the Mystery piece, which turns out to be a week's worth of catered lunches from Subway, with the sandwiches of their choice.
WED July 31st: Using a croquet mallet and volleyball, the HouseGuests play a game of oversized pool in the backyard. Each ball is decorated with one of their faces and the HouseGuests whose ball is last on the table wins the Power of the Veto. Each HouseGuest gets one stroke per round and has to name the HouseGuest they're aiming for before their turn. Jason gets eliminated first, which is fine with him since he didn't want the Power anyway. The final three balls belong to Chiara, Marcellas and Eric. Roddy plays defense, saving Chiara's ball, which was perilously close to elimination. Marcellas is eliminated, then Chiara, giving Eric the Power of Veto.
THU August 1st: The HouseGuests have five paddles adorned with the faces of the three evictees (Lori, Tonya and Amy), Roddy (the outgoing HoH) and an X. Julie Chen asks them a series of questions, the answer to which will be one of the HouseGuests or the X, for "none of the above." Question two ("Who lists REO Speedwagon as one of their favorite bands?") knocks out Chiara, Jason, Danielle and Lisa (The answer is Lori). Josh and Marcellas go out on question six when asked, "Who lists humans as their least favorite animal?" (Roddy did.) In a tiebreaker, Gerry comes closer than Eric when asked the cumulative height in inches of the three evicted HouseGuests, giving him the HoH title.
FOOD COMPETITION : I Can Eat Anything Better Than You
SAT August 3rd: Split into two teams of four (Lisa, Jason, Eric and Marcellas on the blue team; Danielle, Josh, Roddy and Chiara on the red), the HouseGuests play a gastronomical version of "Name That Tune." Players from each team face off, head-to-head, over a particular food item, naming how many of those items they could eat in two minutes. They go back and forth, upping the ante, until one of them challenges the other to go ahead and eat. If the HouseGuest is successful, their team gets a point. If they fail, the other team gets a point, with the first team to 3 points winning the contest. The losers eat PB and J for the next week. Chiara goes against Lisa first over a plate of raw brussels sprouts, with the bidding going up to 12 brussel sprouts in two minutes. Lisa challenges Chiara, who can only get through seven, giving one point to the blue team. Next, Jason and Josh go head-to-head over Twinkies, with Jason easily eating eight, giving blue another point. Danielle gets a point for the red team by eating 15 jalepeno-stuffed olives after taking Eric's challenge. Marcellas wins it for the blue team over Roddy by heroically eating five deep-fried chicken livers, despite constant gagging.
WED August 7th: The HouseGuests stand on a game board in the backyard, broken up into a series of squares like a chessboard. They can move one space in any direction, turning over the square they just left behind. Nobody can step on a square that's been turned over, and they are eliminated when they can't step any further. The last remaining HouseGuest on the board wins the Power of Veto. Danielle and Chiara are the last two HouseGuests left, with Chiara winning.
THU August 8th: In a variation on backyard bowling, the HouseGuests roll a ball down a lane, past several rubber bumpers. Whoever's ball comes closest to the end without going over into the gutter becomes next Head of Household. Roddy rolls first, but too strong, going over the edge. Jason goes next. His ball hits a bumper a third of the way down the lane and stops. Marcellas is eliminated when his toss goes too long. Josh strategically soft-tosses his ball halfway down the lane, taking out Jason. Chiara rolls next, her perfect toss stopping inches from the end. Danielle and Lisa both follow, with their tosses rolling into the end gutter. Chiara is given the Head of Household title.
SAT August 10th: The HouseGuests compete in a full-scale version of the game Ballast. The game consists of a large cylinder containing stacked, smaller cylinders. The HouseGuests get to eat the items written on the small cylinders that they are able to pull out without collapsing the pile of other cylinders. Each HouseGuest gets two chances to pull food items. Josh goes first, pulling cookies, Marcellas gets grapes, Lisa pulls ground beef. Jason collapses the pile for the first time, clearing the way for Roddy and Gerry. After the two rounds, the HouseGuests get what they consider to be the most well rounded supply of food they've had.
WED August 14th: The HouseGuests are shown five snapshots of events from the House that they have to put in chronological order. One point is awarded for each picture correctly identify; the HouseGuest with the most points will win. In the First Round, the snapshots are, chronologically: Gerry leaving the slime tank, Josh breaking an egg on Amy's head, Danielle winning the Veto Power, Roddy, Jason and Eric getting facials and Marcellas eating chicken livers. Chiara, Gerry and Danielle are eliminated. In the Second Round, the snapshots are, chronologically: A toast on the first night in the House, the Hawaiian luau, the peanut butter bikinis, Lori's eviction and human bowling. Lisa wins with her second perfect score, giving her the Power of Veto.
SPECIAL COMPETITION: Return to the House
THU August 15: The four evicted HouseGuests--Lori, Tonya, Amy and Eric--have the opportunity to return to the Big Brother House. This is a two-round competition: Julie Chen first asks each evictee separately how much of the $500,000 grand prize they would be willing to forfeit to return to the House. Lori says she'd be willing to give up $50,000, and Tonya, Amy and Eric all say they'd give up half the prize money. Lori is eliminated. In the second round, Julie asks each of the remaining evictees separately how many of the 42 days remaining in the game they would be willing to eat only peanut butter and jelly. Tonya answers 21, while Eric and Amy both say 42, eliminating Tonya. Julie tells the two finalists that if they win, they'll get to keep the full prize, and they won't have to eat PB and J for the remaining 42 days in the House. The final decision on whether Amy or Eric returns to the House must be voted on by the seven HouseGuests still inside. Roddy and Chiara vote for Eric; Danielle, Jason, Gerry and Marcellas vote for Amy. Lisa, shockingly, votes for Amy. Amy reenters the House and is greeted enthusiastically by the remaining HouseGuests.
FRI August 16: To win the Head of Household power, the HouseGuests have to be willing to prove how bad they want it. Dressed in their swimsuits, Gerry, Jason, Roddy, Marcellas, Danielle, Amy and Lisa climb into an oversized bathtub in the backyard. The catch is that Chiara, the outgoing HoH, will be adding different items to the water, making things more difficult to endure. She starts by dropping in 40 whole squid, which prompts Roddy to leap from the tub immediately. 20 minutes later 10 gallons of seaweed and pond scum are dumped in. After that comes 10 more gallons of pond scum and algae. Marcellas and Gerry both bail out next, citing the need to use the bathroom. Marcellas runs through the backyard shower to try and rid himself of the residue from the tub. Danielle exits a few minutes later for strategic reasons, but pretends to be sickened by the tub. Lisa vacates the tub after 20 electric eels are dropped into the mix, leaving Jason and Amy. After 10 gallons of cod liver oil are dropped into the tub, Jason gives up, giving Amy the HoH title on the night she returns to the House.
VETO COMPETITION: Slippery Proposition
WED August 21: The HouseGuests lube up with baby oil and slide down a Slip and Slide mat, with the HouseGuest who goes the farthest without going over the end line winning the Veto Power. Chiara and Roddy both slide too far and Gerry, with the last slide, beats out Danielle by a few feet to win his second Veto Competition.
WED August 21: The HouseGuests have 5 minutes to find 18 CD covers hidden around the House and assemble them, jigsaw-puzzle style, on the dining room table. When together, the CD covers spell out: "Sheryl Crow--Live in Backyard." The HouseGuests excitedly run outside and get a private 3-song concert from multiple Grammy winner Sheryl Crow.
WED August 21: The guys put on Speedos, the girls put on their bikinis, and they all head into the backyard where they find an enclosed booth. As they each step into the booth, a fan blows food vouchers and luxury vouchers around; they have 30 seconds to grab as many as they can, stuffing them into their swimsuits. Each HouseGuest is responsible for food for a different day of the week and in order to avoid PB&J, they have to grab 10 vouchers from the booth. Roddy and Chiara both fail to grab the minimum of 10, but Amy as HoH saves the day, grabbing 10 vouchers and giving the House food on the day Roddy had missed out on. The HouseGuests also agree to pool the money they grabbed and give it to Gerry to buy an anniversary present for his wife.
THU August 22nd: Julie Chen reads quotes from the evicted HouseGuests, and the competitors have to identify which one said it by maneuvering a cube to show the photo of the correct evictee. The first question eliminates Lisa, Roddy, Gerry and Danielle, who don't remember Josh's opening night utterance, "I'm really shy and they're hoping this will help me bust out of my shell." With Jason and Marcellas left, they both get the second quote correct, an Eric original: "Let me tell you something about Veto. He wasn't pulling his weight, he wasn't doing his chores. Veto had to go." Quote number three ("Two very important people are in those chairs. If I was to do wrong by one of them, I am truly sorry, but it's a decision I had to make.") from Chiara, befuddles Marcellas, but not Jason, who answers correctly to win his first Head of Household title.
FOOD COMPETITION: Making the Donuts
SAT August 24: The HouseGuests have to pass oversized donuts through seven workstations, each manned by a different HouseGuest, in seven minutes. Of the 18 donuts they start with, the number they get to the finish line without being dropped will determine the amount of food they get for the week. Lisa starts, dropping the donuts down a slide into a stack of tires. Gerry takes them to a catapult, launching them into the hot tub. Jason takes them to another ramp that he pushes them down via skateboard. Danielle cranks them across a conveyor belt to Marcellas, who loads them onto an inflatable shark he pushes across the pool to Amy. Amy puts them on a tray attached to a rope and pulleys the tray to Roddy, who takes them to the final station, an oversized coffee cup he has to shoot them into like basketballs. The catapult and pulley stations give the HouseGuests trouble, resulting in their winning only half their regular food supply for the week. However, they are able to successfully pass the "mystery donut" through the course and win a week's worth of Dunkin' Donuts baked goods and beverages.
WED August 28: Each HouseGuest previously hand-painted a garden gnome statue, which was attached by three strings to a crossbar. One multiple-choice question is asked about each HouseGuest, with each string representing a possible answer. The string that represents the correct answer is the one string that is holding the gnome up. If another HouseGuest cuts that string, the gnome crashes to the ground, eliminating the HouseGuest who decorated it. Gerry goes first and targets Roddy's gnome by answering the question, "If Roddy was a car, what kind of car would he be?" The choices are Range Rover, Porsche or Saab. Gerry correctly guesses Range Rover, cutting the string on Roddy's gnome, eliminating him from the Competition. Lisa's gnome is eliminated next, then Amy's and Gerry's, leaving Jason, Danielle and Marcellas as the final three. Danielle takes out Marcellas's gnome and in turn Marcellas takes hers out, leaving the Veto power to Jason.
THU August 29: The remaining HouseGuests are read a series of statements made about them by their evicted peers. They have to determine whether the statements were truly said by that HouseGuest by guessing true or false, holding up a red or black paddle, respectively. The statements are:
1) Chiara says that Marcellas is the neatest HouseGuest. (True)
2) Josh says Lisa is the HouseGuest most likely to pose for Playboy. (True)
3) Lori says Roddy is the HouseGuest she'd most likely set up with a friend. (False)
4) Josh says Danielle is the HouseGuest he'd most likely lend money to. (True)
5) Eric says Lisa is the sloppiest HouseGuest. (True)
Danielle and Lisa guess wrong for number three, leaving Roddy, Amy and Marcellas in contention. All three guess wrong for number four, keeping them eligible. Marcellas is the only one to get number five right, giving him his second HoH title.
SAT August 31: The HouseGuests have 90 seconds to find seven food medallions hidden in hundreds of baked pies. Each medallion represents a day of the week. Any medallion they don't find results in a PB and J diet for everyone that day. In order they find Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday and Monday, giving them a full week of food. Roddy starts a massive pie fight immediately after the Competition, which takes place in the recently closed-off Map Room.
WED September 4: The HouseGuests have to maneuver an obstacle course with a square balanced on their heads. Each time the square falls or if they touch it, a 15-second penalty is assessed. The veto power goes to the HouseGuest who makes it through the gauntlet fastest, including penalty time. The obstacle course consists of a ladder and ramp, a series of steps, a rotating platform, steps leading to blocks they have to step over, a tube they have to crawl through and a slalom course made out of road cones. The HouseGuests times were: Danielle--1:22 plus 1:15 in penalty time, total 2:37. Jason--:59 plus :30 penalty time, total 1:29. Amy--1:15 plus 0 penalty time, total 1:15. Lisa--1:20 plus :15 penalty time, total 1:35. Roddy--1:31 plus 1:00 penalty time, total 2:31. Marcellas--1:29, plus :15 penalty time, total 1:44. Amy wins the Veto Competition, but Jason and Amy, as the top two finishers, win Aqua-Massages.
THU September 5th: The HouseGuests are shown a series of video clips. Near the end, the clips freeze and Julie Chen asks them a multiple-choice question about what happens next. The HouseGuests use a triangle with an A, B or C on it to answer. The last person remaining in the game wins HoH. The first video clip is of Gerry's departure from the House, paused just as he's about to open the door. The question is "Before Gerry opened the door to leave after being evicted, he A) blew a kiss. B) Gave a thumbs up. C) Saluted." The answer is B, which Lisa and Amy both get wrong, leaving Danielle and Jason. Question 2 is "While putting on his grass skirt during the Luau Luxury Competition, the next thing Josh said was A) "I know I look good in drag." B) "Tan is not my color." C) "Grass skirts make me itch." The answer is A, but Danielle guesses wrong, giving the HoH power to Jason for the second time.
HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD: And Then There Were Four
THU September 12: Amy, Danielle and Lisa are asked a series of questions about the four remaining HouseGuests. To answer, they step on a number they believe best answers the question. After six questions, the HouseGuest with the most correct answers wins HoH. The Questions were:

1. How many of the four remaining HouseGuests has been HoH at least once. (The answer is 3. Everyone gets a point.)
2. How many held the Power of Veto? (The answer is 4. Danielle gets a point.)
3. How many failed to get 15 food vouchers in an earlier Competition? (The answer is 3. Lisa gets a point.)
4. How many had their gnome survive intact? (The answer is 1. Amy and Danielle get 1 point each.)
5. How many opened their Veto box in an earlier Veto Competition? (The answer is 2. Everyone gets a point.)
6. How many gained more than 3 pounds during the brownie eating Food Competition? (The answer is 2. No one gets a point.)

Danielle wins the HoH Competition.
THU September 12: The HouseGuests have to cross a grid containing photographs of the evicted HouseGuests in the order of their eviction. Complicating things are the laser beams criss-crossing the board. Every time they break one of the laser beams or touch the carpeting between the photos, a :15 penalty is assessed. An additional 1:00 penalty is assessed if they step on the photos out of order. Amy goes first, making it through in 1:04 with :30 in penalties. After deciding she didn't want to win the Golden Veto, Lisa walks across the board without trying to avoid the beams. She makes it in :21 but with 3:45 in penalties. Danielle is the slowest at 1:34 plus 3:00 in penalties. Jason takes only :28 with 1:30 in penalties. Marcellas wins the Competition, getting across in :52 with only one :15 penalty.
HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD: The Dinner Party From Hell
THU September 12: The HouseGuests get dressed up for a formal dinner party, unaware that they'll be eating the grossest foods imaginable. Lisa and Amy are on one team, Danielle and Marcellas on the other. For the first two rounds, one HouseGuest from each team has a minute to eat the food in front of them. Each round represents two days of regular food. If they can't eat all of the food, they'll be on PB and J for those two days. In Round One, Lisa has to eat the sexual organs of a sea urchin and Marcellas has to eat escargot. For Round Two, Danielle is served boiled pig's feet in kraut and Amy gets poi. In Round Three, the portions and time are doubled, but both HouseGuests can eat. Marcellas and Danielle get jungle curry and Amy and Lisa get haggis. No one successfully eats their food in the allotted time, putting the entire House (including HoH Jason, who didn't participate) on PB and J all week.
SAT September 14th: The HouseGuests, wearing oversized suits made of sponge, have to soak up the water from two large kiddie pools, then transfer it to seven empty, smaller kiddie pools, each representing a different day of the week. If they raise the water level in the smaller pools to the proper level, they win a theme meal for that day of the week. The HouseGuests win Italian food for Monday, Surf and Turf for Tuesday, Japanese food for Wednesday, lose out on Mexican food for Thursday, win Southern BBQ for Friday, lose Indian food for Saturday and win Chinese food for Sunday. For Thursday and Saturday, they will eat PB and J.
SAT September 14: The HouseGuests each are granted a three-minute phone call home from T Mobile, plus a $1000 gift to a relative. However, there's a twist. Calling them into the Diary Room one-by-one, Julie Chen offers them $5000, then $10,000, and finally $15,000 in addition to their already awarded prizes. The catch is that if they accept the money, the other HouseGuests lose their phone calls and $1000 prize. To entice them further, Julie tells them that nobody will find out that they said yes, unless they themselves tell them. Danielle comes in first and accepts the initial $5000 offer. Amy goes next and holds out for $10,000. Lisa refuses all three offers, saying the phone call is more important to her. Jason holds out, but accepts the $15,000 offer. Amy wins the phone call by virtue of her cell-phone having the lowest number printed under a strip of yellow tape.
WED September 18: The HouseGuests have two rounds to ride a hydraulic surfboard. The two with the highest cumulative time win a cruise on the Pacific Ocean and, more importantly, a chance to be out of the House for a while. They must remain standing on the board, and can't touch it or grab it to regain balance. Every 15 seconds, the difficulty level of the board is increased. Lisa gets a combined 1:04, followed by Danielle with a 1:43. Jason stays on for 1:56 and Amy lasts 2:04, giving the trip to the Southerners.
THU September 19: The HouseGuests enter the backyard and find a full-sized above-ground swimming pool with three ladders. Attached on the outside of the ladders are their keys and tethered to the ladders inside the pool are inflatable lifeboats Each HouseGuest climbs into a lifeboat with their key and paddles out to the center of the pool where they put their key into the Nomination Box. Their objective is to keep their hand on the key for as long as possible, outlasting the other two. The winner of this first part gets a bye into Round Three, while the two runners-up face off in Round Two. The winner there moves in to Round Three to determine the ultimate HoH. To complicate things, BIG BROTHER has arranged with Mother Nature for a storm to sweep in, dumping thunder, lightning, wind and a cold, steady rain onto the HouseGuests. The winner of this round will be determined on Saturday night.
SAT September 21:
Jason and Danielle have seven minutes to complete six Household tasks. Each completed task counts as one point. The winner will be the one with the most points. Danielle gets through station one (arranging the HouseGuest photos in the order they were evicted), two (wash a towel, wring it out and put it in the dryer), three (Make and eat a PB and J sandwich). The whistle blows while she's at station four (arranging the HouseGuest photos in the order they won the Power of Veto). Jason gets through station one, two, three and four, and the whistle blows just as he starts station five (arranging the HouseGuest photos in the order they won HoH). By virtue of completing four stations to Danielle's three, Jason wins Round Two of the HoH Comeptition.
SAT September 21:
The nine previously evicted HouseGuests have given one-word descriptions about each of the remaining three HouseGuests. Julie picks one of the descriptive words and Jason and Lisa have to hold up the photograph of the person being described. Each question is worth a point and the winner will be the one with the most points after nine questions.

The descriptions were: Lori said mysterious, funny and polite. Which HouseGuest did she call funny? The answer is Danielle. Both get a point. Tied, 1-1. Amy said precious, fertile and sweet. Which HouseGuest did she call sweet? The answer is Lisa. Lisa gets a point. Lisa leads 2-1. Chiara said insecure, strong and perfect. Which HouseGuest did she call insecure? The answer is Lisa. Lisa gets a point. Lisa leads 3-1. Roddy said soulless, inexperienced and uncertain. Which HouseGuest did he call soulless? The answer is Danielle. Both get a point. Lisa leads 4-2. Marcellas said instinctive, attractive and guarded. Which HouseGuest did he call attractive? The answer is Jason. Lisa gets a point. Lisa leads 5-2. Tonya said conniving, sexy and fake. Which HouseGuest did she call sexy? The answer is Jason. Both get a point. Lisa leads 6-3. Gerry said lucky, energetic and earnest. Which HouseGuest did he call lucky? The answer is Lisa. Both get a point. Lisa leads 7-4. Josh said overconfident, spineless and childlike. Which HouseGuest did he call spineless? The answer is Jason. Neither gets a point. Lisa leads 7-4. Eric said spontaneous, pushover and beautiful. Which HouseGuest did he call spontaneous? The answer is Danielle. Both get a point. Lisa wins 8-5.